
Monday, December 20, 2010

She said....YES!!!

On Thursday I went to Pier 1 and purchased an ornament that I had seen earlier this month. I just knew it would be perfect to give my girls when asking them to be in my wedding. Being that I already asked Jensen to be my first maid of honor, I still needed to ask MOH Court. So following along with my previous post, I picked MOH Court up early Friday morning and we stopped by Chick-fil-a to get breakfast before heading down to Dothan. While we were in the line I gave her the ring ornament and then her MOH poster sign! She laughed and said "Aw! Yes!" I wanted to video it like I did with MOH Jen but it just didn't work out. Anywho she said yes and we talked wedding stuff all the way to Dothan. After we arrived and picked up MOH Jen from school we headed over to the bridal store where I found the Justin Alexander dress and I tried it on to get her opinion. She really liked it but I'm still unsure about it. Later that night we headed over to Cynsational Creations to have Jen's birthday party! It was so much fun! We painted our initials, ate pizza and cake, and learned that painting a letter isn't as easy as it looks. Lol! We ended the night by helping my mom go through boxes for her yard sale. I came home with some stuff from my first apartment in Auburn to put in Philip's new apartment that he'll be moving into in January.

The ornament I'm giving all my girls...if I can find enough of them.

Courtney and I came home early Saturday morning so that she could head to Decature with her family. As I also said in my last post, Philip and I were supposed to have our engagement pictures taken this past Saturday but we had to postpone them again but for very good reasons! Our photographer, Brittany Willis, is pregnant! She was also throwing a bridal shower for one of our high school friends on Sunday and needed to take care of some last minute things. I told her that we completely understood and looked forward to our session some time in early January. She's extremely talented so if you're looking for a photographer check her site out!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dress Shopping Trip #2

The third trip was in Dothan on the day that I asked Jensen, my little sister, to be my maid of honor. She took to the role with great spirit. She zipped me up, learned how to lace up a corset backed dress, and most importantly, how to carry a train. We had a great time and actually found a dress that I am quite fond of.

Trip #3

I love this dress! It's elegant and simple at the same time. It has everything I want in a dress and more!

But being the frugal bride I am, I can't fathom spending so much money on a dress. So I'm planning on going to The Running of the Brides in Atlanta in March of next year to see if we can find my dream dress for a great deal less. I went to ROTB this past year with my cousin, Elizabeth, in search of her dress and after 1 hour of sleep, 6 hours on the sidewalk in the cold, and 2 1/2 hours of snatching dresses and pulling hair we actually found her dream dress! I will do a whole post on this experience later on because it deserves it.

Now for the big surprise, tomorrow I'm going down to Dothan for Jensen's birthday and I'm taking my best friend Courtney with me. She thinks we are just going down for Jen's party and to see my mom but really I'm going to be asking her to be my Maid of Honor. I know what you're thinking, Jensen's already your maid of honor and you're right. However, Jensen is only 11, turning 12 tomorrow and will only be 13 when Philip and I tie the knot so she will need some help with her duties. I know Courtney will be the perfect person to help Jen out! I'm going to surprise Courtney with a "Christmas present" in the morning on the way down there and ask her to stand beside me on my wedding day. I can't wait to post her answer when we get back. Wonder what she'll say... Hehe!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dress Shopping

As of right now I do not have a dress. I don't have one picked out or even a few narrowed down to choose from. And being that the wedding dress is the dress that every little girl dreams about I'm foaming at the mouth to get one. Now don't get me wrong I've been dress shopping. I went the first time will Ella Grace; she was very helpful and opened my eyes to dresses that actually looked good on me that I would have never tried on. The second trip was with my mom and Rebecca, my step-mom. We didn't find anything that I really loved that day but it was a fun experience.

Trip #2

I loved the top and tummy part of this dress but I hated the bottom and the train. I am not a fan of pickups nor am I a fan of trains. I want my dress to be simple with a small train, if any.

While this dress was beautiful, it was heavy and way too formal for the type of wedding Philip and I are planning.

Now this dress I had seen online the day before our trip and hoped to find it at one of the stores. My mom pulled it out as we dug through the racks. I really liked it alot but didn't exactly love the belt. Felt it was a little too plain for what I had in mind.

I like this length of train but maybe a little shorter. Don't want to have to bustle anything.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

An Early Wake Up call that was totally worth it!

We're ENGAGED!!!
AHHHH!!! I cannot believe that I'm engaged to Mr. Philip M. Moore! Who would have thought that a facebook instant message would lead to a proposal? Well I'm sure you want to hear the story if you haven't heard it already so here it goes...

Yesterday I went to work, same ole same ole. I call Philip everyday when I get off for lunch at 11:30, so when I call him and he tells me that he's leaving the apartment going to grab some food before heading in to work. Okay nothing odd about that. Well it turns out he was really heading down to Dothan to ask for my mom's permission! After work I got my hair cut and Philip met me for chips and dip at Jalapenos. He was in a button down and khaki's, I thought it was odd and he said the big guy came into the gym so he had to look nice. Okay, whatever. So last night I go to class and he went over to my dad's to tell the kids goodbye before we left for Mississippi. Nothing to off about that either. When I got there I was really tired and needed to go home to pack so we left. When we got to my house, Gigi was home. Now that was really weird and I started to suspect something. But Philip shortly said good night and left for the night.
This morning Philip came to pick me up for the March of Dimes Charity breakfast at Chappy's. I wanted to go to this since March of Dimes is so close to my heart and Philip offered to go with me. He told me that he would pick me up so we could just have one car in town when we left for Starkville. So Philip got to my house around 5:30AM. He told me to get ready, so I hopped in the shower and got dressed. After I was ready to go he said he wasn't really hungry at the moment so we just laid around and watched FRIENDS. Then after about 15 minutes he said, "Okay I'm hungry. Lets go." Then he handed me my phone and said, "I think your phone is broken." Blackberry's have a black screen if you lock them and in order to get them to light up you have to unlock it. So I pressed the button and noticed that my back ground had been changed. When I looked at it I realized it was a picture of him holding a ring box in his hand in my room! He said my eyes got really big. (Understandable!) Then I looked at him saying, "Oh my gosh!" He said, "Peyton I love you and I something something something" (I can't remember it at all because I was in shock and on cloud nine!). He got down on one knee and said, "Peyton, will you marry me?" And I said "Yes!!!" I hugged and kissed him a million times. I had to take my other ring off that I got for graduation and I put on my engagement ring! It is so beautiful and everything I could have ever dreamed of!

After a few more hugs I tried to call my mom but she didn't answer so we went downstairs to tell Pop and Gigi. They were shocked as well! I told Gigi, "Philip just proposed!" And she said, "To who?" Hahahaha! I showed them my ring and Pop asked Philip where his ring was. Philip told him that I got the ring but Pop gets his heart! We then headed over to my dad's to tell them. Dad already knew because Philip had talked to him the day before. When we walked in, Dad was already up and he gave me a hug and told me congratulations. I went into the bedroom and woke up the kids and Becca to tell them. I just shoved my hand in Becca's face and she was like, "Oh my gosh!" She was so excited! EG and EMan were kinda out of it still so it took them a few minutes for it to register. EMan was very excited though. T-rip was still sleepy so he wasn't as enthused.

After we left there we headed to town to get something to eat, even though I was way too excited to eat. We finally got a call back from my mom and she was so excited for us! She's called 3 times since then and every time she sounds more and more excited! Jenna also got a call and wanted to know all about it. The Moores were called and within minutes of telling the TheTallOne the world of Facebook knew!

So it's official! Philip Moore and Peyton Clark are engaged!!!! We haven't set a date yet but will keep everyone posted as soon as we do. Thank you for reading this long post but hey this day deserved it!

This was the back ground on my phone!

(Do not judge my nasty floor!)

This is my ring! I love love love it!!!

It's an antique and it could not be more perfect for me!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hi, Helloooo!

Hello everyone! I'm so excited to share this blog with you all! And even though I have another blog, this one is going is going to be strictly about my wedding planning process. As most of you know, Philip and I are engaged. He got down on one knee on September 24, 2010. It was an amazing proposal and I'm so lucky to have him as my fiance. Today is actually our 2 year anniversary and we are celebrating it tonight by going to one of our favorite restaurants.

As of right now we haven't set an official date but we know it will be in the Spring of 2012. Yes I know it's a ways away but I don't graduate until next July and I would really like to enjoy wedding planning and not have to stress about it and school and work. We are planning on having it somewhere on my family's land here in Montgomery and inviting our closest friends and family. So far we haven't done much as far as actual wedding plans. We just have general ideas of what we want. We know it will be outside, we know it will be in the spring and we know who we want there! That's all. We have made no deposits, no reservations, and only some purchases. :)

Ever since getting engaged, my mind and eyes have gone wedding crazy! Everywhere I look, I ask myself, "Could I use that in the wedding?" I've fallen head over heals in love with T.J. Maxx because of their great deals. I've discovered some friends hidden talents that we will be making good use of. I've become an avid yard saler and bargain store shopper, searching daily for my miss-matched china.

I hope you enjoy following along as Philip and I venture down this crazy road called wedding planning. I'm so lucky that he is happy with whatever I pick out. He knows that our wedding will be beautiful just because we are getting married and I agree. Have a great weekend!